
Welcome to my portfolio!

I fell in love with writing at an early age. My love for digital media came a little later. Three years ago I landed a job with a small company running their social media program and blog content. Two and a half years later I decided I wanted to explore an opportunity at a larger company. That opportunity has been incredible so far.
In May I had the opportunity of presenting a social media seminar as part of an educational convention my hosted by the corporation I work for. As part of this presentation, I also authored an e-book about social media for attendees of the seminar.
In the next five years, I will be working on building my freelance portfolio. I'd like to work for small business that need help developing social media strategies and blogs.
Outside of work, I am a student at the University of Utah, and I run a wellness and body image blog called This blog is a passion that I work on every second I can get. Currently I’m in the process of building a strong presence and monetizing this website through affiliate advertising.

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